Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Read At 2, Scene1
In a brief paragraph, discuss the conflict of ideas between George and Beneatha?

Look up the name "Prometheus." In a sentence or two explain what George meant by calling Walter "Prometheus."

a raisin in the sun

ACT I, SCENE ONE Vocabulary undistinguished-common, nothing special exasperated-irritated, provoked viciously-violently, cruelly vindicated-cleared of an accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt proposition-suggested plan vengeance-with violence or fury tentatively-uncertainly furtively-secretly, sneaky futile-useless tyrant-ruler who exercises power in a harsh, cruel manner, a dictator

1. In what city does the play takes place? 2. The living room setting seems overtaken by weariness. Name twodetails that suggest this. 3. Who are the first family members to appear? 4. Two references are made to a check. How does Ruth react to each ofthese references?S-15. According to his mother, why is Travis getting so little sleep? 6. Why does Travis ask Ruth for fifty cents? 7. What is the plan Walter, Willy Harris, and Bobo been figuring out? 8. Why is Walter upset with his wife’s reaction? 9. What does Walter want from Ruth? 10. Walter says, “We one group of men tied to a race of women withsmall minds”? What does he mean? 11. What is Walter’s job?S-212. Describe the tone that Beneatha uses with her brother.13. Why is Walter upset with Beneatha’s plan to go to medical school? 14. What does Beneatha mean when she says, “forgive me for ever wantingto be anything at all”? 15. What does Walter tell Beneatha she should do with her life? Inreality, he has a deeper, underlying conflict. What is Walter’s hidden fear? 16. What does the reader discover about the check that Mama is waitingto receive? 17. How does Beneatha feel about the liquor store? 18. Ruth suggests that Mama might help Walter by giving him some of themoney for his dream of buying the liquor store. How does Mama respond? 19. How much money is the check for, and how does Mama intend to useit? How does Ruth say Mama should spend the money? What does this say about thedifferences in their characters? 20. Mama says that her late husband once grieved deeply. What event ledto Big Walter’s grief? 21. Beneatha thinks deeply and is frustrated with her life. What doesshe say she wants to do that makes her mother and Ruth laugh loudly? 22. How does the reader know that Beneatha does not want to marryGeorge Murchison?

Answer the questions in blue!!! Due on Friday
inappropriately-unbecomingly, wrongly, improperly
heathenism-“religion” of those who do not believe in God
forlornly-sadly, hopelessly
assimilation-integration, absorption
insinuatingly-cleverly, shrewdly
haphazardly-randomly, irregularly
coquettishly-coyly, flirtlingly
arrogant-self-important, overconfident
eccentric-unusual, peculiar oppressive-cruel, unfair
cliché-overused word or phrase
sarcastically-ironically, mockingly

1. What happens at the very end of Act I, Scene One? What is thesetting of the start of Act I, Scene two?

2. During the cleaning scene, several details further explain theYoungers’ living conditions. Name one that offers a complete picture of the environment in which theYoungers live and explain why it does so.

3. Why is Ruth upset when she returns home? Why do you suppose she is so unhappy?

4. When Travis enters the room, he too is upset. What is his news, andhow does Beneatha react?

5.Identify Joseph Asagai. What is implied about the relationshipbetween Beneatha and Asagai?

6. What does Asagai give to Beneatha as a gift? Why is Beneatha pleased with it? How does Asagai react?

7. What stereotypes about women does Asagai reveal? What is Beneatha’sopinion about a relationship with Asagai?

9. What is Asagai’s Nigerian name for Beneatha? What does the name meanin English?

10. Why does Beneatha thank Asagai for the nickname?

11. When the postman brings the check for $10,000, Mama is overjoyedand then worried. Explain her conflicting feelings.

12. What does Walter ask as soon as he comes in the door? Why does heshout? Report Walter’s reaction to Mama’s refusal to invest in a liquor store.

13. What concern does Mama have about Walter’s frequent times away fromhome?

14. How does Walter explain his discontent about his job and hisfuture?

15. Why is Mama “proud of…what we done”? Who is “we” in her statement?

16. Why does Walter crumple his papers, make an angry speech, and head out of the apartment?

17. What news does Mama tell Walter about Ruth? What is Walter’s initial reaction?

19. To what does Mama refer when she says, “You are a disgrace to the memory of your father.”?

20. Describe Walter. What are his dreams, his frustrations, his problems?

21. By the end of Act I, what have we learned about Ruth?

22. By the end of Act I, what have we learned about Beneatha?

23. Which of Mama’s values are revealed in Act I?

24. What negative situations in the Youngers’ lives are making their conflicts worse? What positive aspects may help them resolve their problems?