It's easy to see that Beneatha and George were not meant for each other, being as though they have different ideas as to what is to become of thier lives. Beneatha's life-long goal was to become a doctor, ever since she saw how one friend of her's got her skull cracked open while sledding. She was very fascinated by how doctors were able to sew him up and knew she had to become one. George does not understand her dreams whatsoever and simply takes a liking for Beneatha because he realizes that she is very smart and can help him earn a lot of money in the future. Another obstacle that is preventing Beneatha from falling in love with George is her relationship with Asagai. Asagai understands Beneatha's dreams and supprts her every step of the way. As a result, Beneatha is more attracted to Asagai then she ever will be to George. George is just a plain boy with no dreams, no ambitions and nothing to live for, which goes against what Beneatha believes. George called Walter Prometheus because Walter would be willing to be corrupt and unlawfull in order to better benefit his family, just like Prometheus stole fire from the Greek Gods and gave it to humankind.
In Act 2 Scene 1, George decides to take Beneatha out. Beneatha wasn't dressed and George and Beneatha had arguements about how Beneatha looks. T think that George is a person that cares about looks and many other unimportant things and care for the way people think of him, which Beneatha don't care about. I think that the main problem between George & Beneatha is that their two different kinds of people, George is one that don't really care about other people's thoughts and Beneatha is something that's just trying to express herself. Prometheus is a titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to humankind. George called Walter that because he believes that Walter is a person that is willing to give anything up to reach his goal.
It's obvious that Beneatha and George did not get along very well. They both think and react differently to different ideas. Beneatha attends college to become a docter. That's her goal and dream in life. George has no clue why she wants to be a ridiculous docter. George also claims that her African American outfit is just ridiculous. He also thinks that the African paste is just a bunch of nonsense. Beneatha isn't in love with George because she has a better interest in Asagi. Asagi can relate to her in many ways and he respects Beneatha's dreams unlike George. George is just the opposite of Asagi. George called Walter Prometheus because Walter will do whatever it takes to fulfill his needs. Prometheus also means 'foresight, and care in providing for the future'.
Beneatha and George aren't really a great couple. They are very different from each other. They have different dreams. Beneatha wants to become a doctor right after she saw her friend's skull got cracked open when she had an accident while sledding. She was amazed on how the doctors quickly helped him and gave him stitches. George is the one who is interfering Beneatha's dream. George knows nothing about Beneatha while Asagai knows everything about Beneatha. Asagai and Beneatha seems like a better couple then George and Beneatha. George called Walter Promtheus because Walter is a man that doesnt give his hopes up. Prometheus is a titan who stole the fire from Olympus and gave it to humankind.
It has become clear that George and Beneatha don't get along. They have different opinions on life. George doesn't really support the idea that Beneatha wants to become a doctor but Beneatha wants someone who would listen to her dreams. George also doesn't like the Nigerian robe that Asagai gave her. Beneatha cut her hair and when George saw it, they got into an argument about their heritage. George called Walter a Prometheus because Walter would be willing to do anything good and bad to help his family live a good life and to help him life a good life.
The realtionship between Beneatha and George is an emtpy-ness of something that has no true feelings. Benatha is a young lady who is more ambitious and strives for things that others scoff at. She reaches and is determined for goals that are apparently a bit too complicated for others to understand why, or support. Beneatha's dream is too be a doctor which is far outside the box then others who live or be around her. Also, there is the small fact that she ahead of her generation where woman doing things beyond simple marriages and hoping for it and small jobs is all there is. A woman, and a young woman of twenty, going to college, and even to go to college for medical credits and getting a high job as a doctor was practically considered taboo, as well as her being Atheist which is unspeakable to her mother. There was also the fact that she was also black woman in a racist time, living in poverty, thus making her dreams even more complicated and hard to follow. However there is more to Beneatha that makes her much different that traditional women of her time, she is very sassy but also enjoys exploring ideas, thoughts, theories, and also many things of intelligence and knowledge. She also allows for the possibility of not getting marries at all to be alright and it doesn't appeal to her as big as a necessity as Ruth, her mother or most other women in general do. Beneatha is an open-minded person who wants to do many things instead of a simple life. She also believes in marrying only for love, and not for the sake of getting a good life or support or anything else. This uniqueness and difference in Beneatha and her dreams are also a big part of the reason of the hollow relationship between her and George Murchison. George Murchison is a rich man who is very shallow and doesn't care for much thought, thinking or understanding of most things. None the less, this includes Beneatha's dreams and basically attention to her whole personality and who she is. George ignores Beneatha's dreams and only wants other things from her, like her good looks and her intelligence. Also he feels that college is only for the entrance fee to a better life and career and doesn't appreciate the knowledge or thought of what a person learns in classes. This, of course, clashes with Beneatha, she feels she cannot benefit anything with being with him, but her mother prefers she stay with him because he is such a rich man, that differs enormously from her. Her mother wants her to also feels she will have a better life by being with him and marrying him. The truth about George is that he doesn't really care much about anything but is very monotoned and not understanding. George called Walter a Prometheus because Prometheus was an immortal god or Greek mothology who was rebellious and did actions for his desire that was against Zeus, the ultimate god. Thus, in the end Prometheus was punished for eternity and this relates to Walter because he wants to fulfill his actions and dreams no matter the results of the consequences. Just like Prometheus, Walter is willing to follow his goal even though is it not understood by his family and will do it anyway, and in the end he recieved his consequence.
Beneatha and George are different people who don't mix in a relationship. Beneatha wants to become a doctor, but George laughs when she tells him that. George just wants Beneatha to be happy that she is beautiful and that she is dating someone rich. Beneatha doesn't care about wealth. She cares about personality and smarts. George believes that if a women is beautiful all she has to do is get married.
Prometheus is a titan who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mankind. George called Walter a Prometheus because Walter would distrupt things in order to help his family in anyway.
It's easy to see that Beneatha and George were not meant for each other, being as though they have different ideas as to what is to become of thier lives. Beneatha's life-long goal was to become a doctor, ever since she saw how one friend of her's got her skull cracked open while sledding. She was very fascinated by how doctors were able to sew him up and knew she had to become one. George does not understand her dreams whatsoever and simply takes a liking for Beneatha because he realizes that she is very smart and can help him earn a lot of money in the future. Another obstacle that is preventing Beneatha from falling in love with George is her relationship with Asagai. Asagai understands Beneatha's dreams and supprts her every step of the way. As a result, Beneatha is more attracted to Asagai then she ever will be to George. George is just a plain boy with no dreams, no ambitions and nothing to live for, which goes against what Beneatha believes. George called Walter Prometheus because Walter would be willing to be corrupt and unlawfull in order to better benefit his family, just like Prometheus stole fire from the Greek Gods and gave it to humankind.
In Act 2 Scene 1, George decides to take Beneatha out. Beneatha wasn't dressed and George and Beneatha had arguements about how Beneatha looks. T think that George is a person that cares about looks and many other unimportant things and care for the way people think of him, which Beneatha don't care about. I think that the main problem between George & Beneatha is that their two different kinds of people, George is one that don't really care about other people's thoughts and Beneatha is something that's just trying to express herself. Prometheus is a titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to humankind. George called Walter that because he believes that Walter is a person that is willing to give anything up to reach his goal.
Janice Tran E1PG
It's obvious that Beneatha and George did not get along very well. They both think and react differently to different ideas. Beneatha attends college to become a docter. That's her goal and dream in life. George has no clue why she wants to be a ridiculous docter. George also claims that her African American outfit is just ridiculous. He also thinks that the African paste is just a bunch of nonsense. Beneatha isn't in love with George because she has a better interest in Asagi. Asagi can relate to her in many ways and he respects Beneatha's dreams unlike George. George is just the opposite of Asagi. George called Walter Prometheus because Walter will do whatever it takes to fulfill his needs. Prometheus also means 'foresight, and care in providing for the future'.
Beneatha and George aren't really a great couple. They are very different from each other. They have different dreams. Beneatha wants to become a doctor right after she saw her friend's skull got cracked open when she had an accident while sledding. She was amazed on how the doctors quickly helped him and gave him stitches. George is the one who is interfering Beneatha's dream.
George knows nothing about Beneatha while Asagai knows everything about Beneatha. Asagai and Beneatha seems like a better couple then George and Beneatha.
George called Walter Promtheus because Walter is a man that doesnt give his hopes up. Prometheus is a titan who stole the fire from Olympus and gave it to humankind.
It has become clear that George and Beneatha don't get along. They have different opinions on life. George doesn't really support the idea that Beneatha wants to become a doctor but Beneatha wants someone who would listen to her dreams. George also doesn't like the Nigerian robe that Asagai gave her. Beneatha cut her hair and when George saw it, they got into an argument about their heritage. George called Walter a Prometheus because Walter would be willing to do anything good and bad to help his family live a good life and to help him life a good life.
The realtionship between Beneatha and George is an emtpy-ness of something that has no true feelings. Benatha is a young lady who is more ambitious and strives for things that others scoff at. She reaches and is determined for goals that are apparently a bit too complicated for others to understand why, or support. Beneatha's dream is too be a doctor which is far outside the box then others who live or be around her. Also, there is the small fact that she ahead of her generation where woman doing things beyond simple marriages and hoping for it and small jobs is all there is. A woman, and a young woman of twenty, going to college, and even to go to college for medical credits and getting a high job as a doctor was practically considered taboo, as well as her being Atheist which is unspeakable to her mother. There was also the fact that she was also black woman in a racist time, living in poverty, thus making her dreams even more complicated and hard to follow. However there is more to Beneatha that makes her much different that traditional women of her time, she is very sassy but also enjoys exploring ideas, thoughts, theories, and also many things of intelligence and knowledge. She also allows for the possibility of not getting marries at all to be alright and it doesn't appeal to her as big as a necessity as Ruth, her mother or most other women in general do. Beneatha is an open-minded person who wants to do many things instead of a simple life. She also believes in marrying only for love, and not for the sake of getting a good life or support or anything else. This uniqueness and difference in Beneatha and her dreams are also a big part of the reason of the hollow relationship between her and George Murchison. George Murchison is a rich man who is very shallow and doesn't care for much thought, thinking or understanding of most things. None the less, this includes Beneatha's dreams and basically attention to her whole personality and who she is. George ignores Beneatha's dreams and only wants other things from her, like her good looks and her intelligence. Also he feels that college is only for the entrance fee to a better life and career and doesn't appreciate the knowledge or thought of what a person learns in classes. This, of course, clashes with Beneatha, she feels she cannot benefit anything with being with him, but her mother prefers she stay with him because he is such a rich man, that differs enormously from her. Her mother wants her to also feels she will have a better life by being with him and marrying him. The truth about George is that he doesn't really care much about anything but is very monotoned and not understanding. George called Walter a Prometheus because Prometheus was an immortal god or Greek mothology who was rebellious and did actions for his desire that was against Zeus, the ultimate god. Thus, in the end Prometheus was punished for eternity and this relates to Walter because he wants to fulfill his actions and dreams no matter the results of the consequences. Just like Prometheus, Walter is willing to follow his goal even though is it not understood by his family and will do it anyway, and in the end he recieved his consequence.
Beneatha and George are different people who don't mix in a relationship. Beneatha wants to become a doctor, but George laughs when she tells him that. George just wants Beneatha to be happy that she is beautiful and that she is dating someone rich. Beneatha doesn't care about wealth. She cares about personality and smarts. George believes that if a women is beautiful all she has to do is get married.
Prometheus is a titan who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mankind. George called Walter a Prometheus because Walter would distrupt things in order to help his family in anyway.
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