Sunday, October 19, 2008


Pick a character
Identify a characteristic/s
Find a quote that supports that characteristics


Anonymous said...

Janice Tran

Walter Younger:
-Husband of Ruth
-wants to provide more
-35 yrs old
-disappointed because of money loss
-lean and tense
-wants to be business man
-thinks no one understands him
-has big dreams and goals
-bursting with energy and dreams.
-desperate, held back by poverty
-obsessed with his sense of success
-talks a lot about money
-thinks money is life
-willing to be corrupt
-wants liquor store

"Here I am a giant surrounded by ants! Ants who can't even understand what the giant is
talking about."

Andrew Morel's Media Blog said...

- Lina Younger
- pragmatic
- wants to live a happy life
- wants a house with a garden for Travis
- different style then Walter and Beneatha because of the generation gap.
- poor
- freedom is life, not money
- many struggles
- does not like the family arguing
- plant represents her dream
- Misses her husband
- filled with passion

Mama: "Oh—So now it's life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life—now it's money. I guess the world really do change . . ."

Walter: "No—it was always money, Mama. We just didn't know about it."

Mama: "No . . . something has changed. You something new, boy. In my time we was worried about not being lynched . . . You ain't satisfied or proud of nothing we done. I mean that you had a home; that we kept you out of trouble till you was grown; that you don't have to ride to work on the back of nobody's streetcar,You my children,but how different we done become."

Joey Wu said...

~~~JOEY WU~~~

Lena Younger (Mama):
Lena (Mama) is the matriarch of the Younger family, controlling everyone's emotions and actions. The check belongs to her, since it is her husband who passed away. She cares nothing for money and only about her beloved family and life. She loves plants. Although she scolds her children, she wants nothing more than for them to get along and raise happy families. She cannot understand the modern ways in which people are heading. Everyone in the family looks to her for advice and love.

"I seen...him...night after night...come in...and look at that rug...and then look at me...the red showing in his eyes...the veins moving in his head...I seen him grow thin and old before he was forty...working and working and working like somebody's old horse...killing himself...and you - you give it all away in a day..."

Helen Huang (; said...

Beneatha Younger:
-wants to know more about her culture
-sister of Walter, daughter of Lena
-expressing herself
-learning new things for fun and thinks diploma is a bonus
-wants to be a doctor
-admires Asagai for being intellectual
-learning to play guitar
-doesn't feel her and George are going to work out

1. Beneatha - "People have to express themselves one way or another."

2. Beneatha - "Because I hate assimilationist Negroes!"
Ruth - "Will somebody please tell me what assimila-who-ever means!"
Beneatha - It means someone who is willing to give up his own culture and submerge himself completely in the dominant, and in this case oppressive culture!

Anna said...

- Lena younger
- matriarch of the family
- wants everyone to be happy
- always wanted a house, with a little garden
- poor
- never picking sides; a neutral person
- thinks differently from the other family members
- wants to live a happy life
- is willing to live at the old house, but thinks it needs some fixing up to do.
- believes that everyone's equal, but different.

"son- i came from five generations of people who was slaves and sharecroppers- but ain't nobody in my family never let nobody pay 'em no money that was a way of telling us we wasn't fit to walk to earth. We ain't never been that poor. we ain't never been that- dead inside."

arielzhang. said...

Ariel Zhang

Walter Younger:
-thinks big
-35 years old
-wants to be a business man
-has big dreams or goals
-husband of Ruth
-father of Travis
-believes money is the most important thing
-willing to do anything in order to reach his goal
-thinks that no one understands him or supports him

"I have ideas, ideas that can turn the world upside down!"

"Go ahead mama, do whatever you want with the money, as if I was ever the man in the family."

Yo its Darwin! said...

Darwin Romulus

Beaneatha Younger:

- Things women and men are equal( I'm not saying that I dont think men and women are equal. Just saying what Beaneatha Younger believed in the book)
- like to provide for herself
- in her 20's
- wants to become a doctor
- like expressing herself
- hates the idea of assimilationism
- loves this guy named Joseph Asagai
- his dating this guy named George Muchison, but she doesn't like him

Quote 1:"People have to express themselves one way or another."

Quote 2:"Because I hate assimilationist Negroes!"