Friday, October 31, 2008

due mon and wed week of nov 3

Vocabulary for chapters 1-7, this list may increase Due on Wednesday
Put together a word map for the following words
following the format below:

synonyms antonyms
target word
definition in Word used in a
your own words sentence

or you can provide line drawings, symbols, or magazine cut-outs to illustrate the target word

trenchant remonstrance augmented emphatic
reproachful imprecations dissuading contumaciously
imperiously execrating pilfering exonerated
venerated erudition perspicuity sagaciously
ablutions genial fugitive elixir
verification desolation vicariously aspirations

Homework for Monday

Read chapters 1-7
1. Why was Pip at the churchyard? Why did the man he met there want a file and "wittles?"
2.Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?"
3.Why was it difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes?
4. What is the cliffhanger( an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)
at theend of Chapter Four?
5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture?


Anonymous said...

Read chapters 1-7
1. Why was Pip at the churchyard? Why did the man he met there want a file and "wittles?"
2.Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?"
3.Why was it difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes?
4. What is the cliffhanger( an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)
at theend of Chapter Four?
5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture?

1. Pip was at the churchyard looking at his parents' tombstones. The man he met there want a file and "wittles" so he can saw away his leg irons.
2. Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness" because he was mild, good-natured, sweet-tempered,easygoing, foolish, dear fellow.
3. It difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes because he was afraid he was going to get caught and he felt guilty for stealing from his own sister.
4. The cliffhanger at the end of Chapter Four was that Charles Dickens made it seem that the soldiers found out that Pip stole the pork pie and they were going to arrest him.
5. Pip's convict showed Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture by taking the blame of the stolen foods and such and making Pip seem innocent.

--Joan Li

xoemily68 said...

Emily Pan

1. Why was Pip at the churchyard? Why did the man he met there want a file and "wittles?" Pip was at the churchyard because he was visiting his mother and father's tombstones. The man wanted a file and wittles because he wanted to saw away his iron leg.
2.Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?" Joe Gargery was a mild, good-natured, sweet- tempered, easy-going, foolish, dear fellow.
3.Why was it difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes? Pip don’t want the other people know he stole the food, file, and wittles from his big sister and get in trouble.
4. What is the cliffhanger( an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)
at the end of Chapter Four? The party of soldiers wanted to handcuff Pip since he went into their group to run away from trouble.
5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture? Pip said the food was stolen so they won’t suspect him.

Anonymous said...

Janice Tran
1-Why was Pip at the churchyard? Why did the man he met there want a file and "wittles?" Pip was in the yard of the church because he was visiting his parent's tomb.
2-Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?" Pip's said brother-in-law, Joe Gargery is 'Hercules in strength, and also in weakness' because he is gentle, kind, and nice.
3-Why was it difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes? It is difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes because he was afraid he was going to get caught from stealing from his sister. It had a guilty conscious.
4. What is the cliffhanger( an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)
at theend of Chapter Four? The cliffhanger at the end of Chapter Four was that Charles Dickens made it seem Pip was going to be arrested because he stole the pie.
5.How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture? It was because Pip said the food was missing.

Andrew Morel's Media Blog said...

Read chapters 1-7
1. Why was Pip at the churchyard? Why did the man he met there want a file and "wittles?"
2.Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?"
3.Why was it difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes?
4. What is the cliffhanger( an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)
at the end of Chapter Four?
5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture?

1. Pip was at the churchyard because he was going to see his parents tombstones. The man that wanted a file and wittles because he was an escaped convict who needed his leg irons sawed away.
2.Joe Gargery was a mild, good-natured, sweet- tempered, easy-going, foolish, dear fellow.
3. It was difficult because he didnt want to get caught stealing from his sister and he had a guilty conscious.
4. Chapter 4 ends in a cliffhanger because Pip gets worried about what he has done and then the cops burst threw his front door and chapter 4 ends.
5. Pip's convict protects Pip by claiming to have stolen the food and file himself.

Eric Mei said...

1. Why was Pip at the churchyard? Why did the man he met there want a file and "wittles?"
Answer: Pip was at the churchyard visiting his parents' gravestone. The man he met there wanted a file and "wittles" because the man wanted to use it to saw off the leg irons on his leg.

2. Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?"
Answer: He was mild, good-natured, sweet-tempered, easygoing, foolish and a dear fellow

3. Why was it difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes?
Answer: It was difficult for Pip because he was afraid to get in trouble and he didn't want to steal from his sister.

4. What is the cliffhanger (an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)at the end of Chapter Four?
Answer: The cliffhanger was that the author made it seem like the soldiers was going to arrest pip.

5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture?
Answer: Pips convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture because he admitted that he stole the food and file.

Robert McLean said...

1. The book "Great Expectations" starts out with young Pip visiting a churchyard in order to look at his parent's graves. While he was there, Pip was confronted by a young man who is an escaped convict. Upon hearing that Pip is in contact with a blacksmith, he demands a file and "whittles" which he shall use to saw through his leg irons.

2.Pip has adopted the nickname of "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness" to say that Joe is very tough and strict if he needs to be, but has a kind heart and can sometimes be manipulated by people with bad intent.

3.In order to carry out the convict's demands, he needed to acquire some food, a file, and "whittles". However, he had no such items and could only get them by stealing from his sister. This posed a big problem for Pip because he did not want to get caught stealing from his own sister. She would get very mad is she found out and everybody in the community would think of him as a bad person.

4. In chapter 4, Pip commited a serious crime by stealing a pork pie from the soldiers in his community. Chapter 4 ends as several police officers barge in through his front door, making it seem as though Pip got caught and was about to be arrested.

5.Pip's convict manages to save Pip by taking all the blame, saying that he stole the food and file.

Yo its Darwin! said...

Darwin Romulus
Hw for monday

1.Why was Pip at the churchyard? WHy did the man he met there want a file and "wittles"?
2.Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?"
3. Why was it difficult for Pip for carry out the convict's wishes?
4. What is the cliffhanger(an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension) at the end of Chapter Four?
5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture?

1. Pip was at the churchyard because he was looking a his parents' tombstones. The man that he met at the churchyard wanted a file and "wittles" so he can saw away his iron leg.
2. Pip refered to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness" because Joe Gargery is a mid, good-natured, sweet-tempered, easygoing, foolish, and dear fellow.
3. It was difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes because he stole the things from his sister, afraid he was going to get caught by his sister, and he felt guilty due to stealing his sisters belongings.
4. The cliffhanger at the end of Chapter 4 was that the author made it seem that Pip robed the Pork Pie and that the soldiers were going to arrest Pip.
5. Pip's convict showed Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture by taking the blame for the robed foods and other things and by making Pip look inocent.

Anonymous said...

Paige Chen

1. Why was Pip at the churchyard?
Why did the man he met there want a file and "wittles?"

Pip was at the churchyard because he was looking at his parents tombstones, the man he met wanted a file and wittles that way he can use it to saw away his leg irons.

2.Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?"

His brother in law Joe Gargery is referred to "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness" because he is a mild, good natured, sweet tempered, easy going and foolish man.

3.Why was it difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes?

It was difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes because if he was caught stealing from his own sister, he would be guilty.

4. What is the cliffhanger( an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)
at the end of Chapter Four?

At the end of Chapter Four the soldiers found out that Pip stole the pork pie and were going to arrest him.

5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture?

He showed that Pip was innocent by saying he took the blame.

Raymond Liang said...

Raymond Liang

< img src="" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">

1. Why was Pip at the churchyard? Why did the man he met there want a file and "wittles?"

Pip was at the churchyard to visit his parent's grave. The man there wanted a file and wittles to take off the leg irons he had.

2.Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?"

Joe Gargery was called "Hervules in strength, and also in weakness" because he was mild, good-natured, sweet-tempered, easygoing, foolish and a dear fellow.

3.Why was it difficult for Pip to
carry out the convict's wishes?

Pip had a guilty conscious. Therefore, Pip didn't want to get caught stealing from his sister making him a bad person. He would be helping a convict.

4. What is the cliffhanger( an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)
at the end of Chapter Four?

The cliffhanger made you think that pip was going to get arrested, for stealing pie.

5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture?

He put the blamed it on stolen food, and drawn the attention away from pip.

Ray Out !! ~

arielzhang. said...

Ariel Zhang

Read Chapter 1-7
Questions :
1. Why was Pip at the churchyard? Why did the man he met there want a file & "wittles?"
Pip was at the churchyard because he was looking for his parents tombstones. The man he met there wanted a file and "wittles" because then he could saw his iron leg away.
2. Why did Pip refer to his brother in law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?"
Joe was known as "Hercules in strength" because he was an easygoing, generous and mild person.
3. Why was it difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes?
It was hard for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes because he felt guilty for stealing from his sister and he was scared to get in trouble or caught.
4. What is the cliffhanger( an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)at the end of Chapter Four?
In the End of chapter 4, the cliffhanger was that it seemed as if the soldiers knew that Pip stole the food and was going to arrest him.
5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture?
Pip's convict helped save Pip by putting all the blame on himself and admitting that he stole the food and the file.

Nargiza said...

1. Why was Pip at the churchyard? Why did the man he met there want a file and "wittles?"

Pip was at the churchyard because he was visiting his families tombstones.

2.Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?"

Pip referred Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness," because he was a sweet, mild, good - natured, foolish, and an easy going man.

3.Why was it difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes?

It was difficult for Pip to carry out the convict’s whishes because he never stole from his own sister, he’s also scared that he’s going to get caught and get in a lot of trouble.

4. What is the cliffhanger( an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)
at the end of Chapter Four?

The cliffhanger at the end of Chapter Four is when the soldiers almost arrested Pip because they found out that he was stealing the pork pie.

5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture?

Pip’s convict showed Pip that he didn’t blame him for the search party and his capture by taking the blame for himself and make take the suspicion from Pip.

jennifer93 said...

Jennifer Liberchuk

1. Pip was at the churchyard because he was looking at his parent’s tombstones. The man he met there wanted a file and "whittles” so he saw away his iron leg.

2. Pip refers to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness" because he’s a mild, good-natured, sweet-tempered, easygoing, foolish, dear person.

3. It was hard for Pip to do the convicts wishes because he was scared he would get caught and he was feeling guilty for stealing from his own sister.

4. The cliffhanger at the end of Chapter Four was that Charles Dickens made it look like that the group of soldiers found out Pip stole the pork pie and they were going to arrest him.

5. It showed that he didn’t blame or accuse him for the search party and his arrest by taking in the blame for the stolen foods, making him look innocent.

Irza said...

1. Pip was at the churchyard because he was visiting his parents' tombstones. The man he met there wanted a file and "wittles" because he wanted to saw away his iron leg.
2. Pip referred to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "hercules in strenght, and also in weakness" because he was a mild, good-natured, sweet- tempered, easy-going, foolish, dear fellow.
3. It was difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wished because he was scared that he would get caught stealing from his sister.
4. The cliffhanger at the end of Chapter Four was that Charles Dickens made it seem Pip was going to be arrested because he stole the pie.
5. Pip's convict showed Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture by taking the blame and saying that he stole the food and file.

Tiffany said...

Read chapters 1-7
1. Why was Pip at the churchyard? Why did the man he met there want a file and "wittles?"
2.Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?"
3.Why was it difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes?
4. What is the cliffhanger( an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)
at the end of Chapter Four?
5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture?

1. Pip was at the churchyard to look at his families tombstones. The man that he met wanted a file and "wittles" so he can saw away his leg irons.
2. Pip referred to his brother- in- law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness" because he was a mild, good-natured, sweet-tempered,easy-going, foolish, dear fellow.
3. It was difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes because he was afraid to get caught stealing from his sister, making people think of him as a bad person.
4. The cliffhanger at the end of chapter four was that they made it seem like Pip was getting caught for stealing the pie by the group of soldiers.
5. Pip's convict showed him that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture because he took all the blame for the stolen food and files.

Anonymous said...

1. Pip was at the Junkyard to look at his parents tombstones. The man he met wanted a File and "whittles" to saw his leg irons off.

2.Pip reffers to his brother as a "hercules in strength and also in weekness" because he is a mild, good natured, sweet temperd, easy going, foolish, dear fellow.

3.Pip was afraid to carry out the convicts wishes because he was scared of getting caught stealing from his older sister.

4.The cliff hanger that Charles Dickens created at the end of chapter four was when Pip seemed as though he was going to get arrested by the officers.

5.Pips convict said that the food was missing so that they wouldnt blame him

Anna said...

1. Pip was at the churchyard because he was going to see his parents' tombstones. The man he met wanted wittles to saw away his leg irons and a file to do so.
2. Joe Gargery was a mild, good-natured, sweet- tempered, easy-going, foolish, dear fellow.
3. He was scared that he was going to get caught stealing from his sister.
4. Charles Dickens (the author) made it seem like the soldiers were going to arrest Pip.
5. He took the blame for the stolen food and file.

Joey Wu said...

~~~JOEY WU~~~

1. Why was Pip at the churchyard? Why did the man he met there want a file and "wittles?"
Pip was at the churchyard looking at his parents' tombstones. The man he met there want a file and "wittles" so he can saw away his leg irons.
2.Why did Pip refer to his brother-in-law Joe Gargery as a "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness?"
Joe Gargery was a mild, good-natured, sweet- tempered, easy-going, foolish, fellow.
3.Why was it difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes?
He felt guilty for stealing from his sister and he was scared to get in trouble or caught.
4. What is the cliffhanger( an episode ends at a moment of heightened tension)
at the end of Chapter Four?
Several police officers barge in through his front door, making it seem as though Pip got caught and was about to be arrested.
5. How did Pip's convict show Pip that he didn't blame him for the search party and his capture?
He took the blame for the stolen food and file.

Helen Huang (; said...

Read Chapters 1-7

1. Pip was at the churchyard because he was looking at his parents' graves. The man he met wanted a file and "wittles" because with that he can saw away his leg irons.

2. Pip referred his brother to "Hercules in strength, and also in weakness" because he was a easygoing, foolish, mild and was a man of good intentions.

3. Pip found it difficult to carry out the convict's wishes because he was scared that he was going to get caught and he felt guilt in robbing things from his sister.

4. At the end of chapter four, the cliffhanger was that it seemed like the soldiers found that Pip stole the pie and he was going to be arrested.

5. Pip's convict showed that he didn't blame Pip for his capture or the search party by taking all the blame for the stolen food and by doing this, he made Pip seem like he didn't do any of this.

emily♥shines said...

1. Pip was at the chruch yard because he was having a moment at looking at his parent's graves in the cementary and of all his other siblings that are no longer with him. The man he met there was an escaped convict who had nothing and was frightening Pip terribly to make him give him what he wanted. He told Pip that there would be a young man that would eat his liver and heart if he fails to give him food and a file to cut the iron on his leg.
2.Pip refers to his brother-in-law Joe, who is really like an uncle, because Pip is a child, whose sister, 'Mrs.Joe', is over twenty years older than him and is married to Joe Gargery, as a peer. Joe is like a peer to Pip because he is kind and very mild and considerate to Pip, he is a good man. On the other hand, he a coward, and is controlled by Georgiana (his wife, 'Mrs.Joe'), just like Pip is and refuses to stand up to her.
3.It was difficult for Pip to carry out the convict's wishes, because, while trying to take some bread from the dinner table to slip into his pants from where he lives, at his sister's who is extremely brutal and strict, he is caught. This is not exactly so, but he is confronted by Joe, who was only worrying about him choking down his food, says this out loud.Georgiana, who is very mean, first, pounds Joe's head and makes a remark about him being a pig. She then forcefully pours bitter Tar-water down Joe and Pip's throats.
4.The cliffhanger that happens at the end of chapter 4 is that throughout the chapter, Pip is having a miserable time at his family's Christmas dinner. He is still under the spell of the convict and still obeys him, fearful by his wrods, therefore, he is still trying to steal some food from the table. The tension rises each time Pip feels his sister will find it. Even more so, the tensions rises again, more so than ever, when his sister announces they will serve the pie for the occassion. Unfortunately, the pie they were supposed to serve was given away by Pip to the convict. Pip is completely terrified and runs in horror, only to bump into an officer.
5.Pip's convict shows Pip his feelings of knowing he does not blame Pip for the search party of police after him by doing him a good favor. While the situation of Pip temporarily not fearing the up-coming rage from his sister of learning he gave the pie away, Pip's convict speaks up for him. He tells the police officer that he stole some food from Pip's house, therefore saving Pip any blame, consequences or unimaginable results from Pip's Mrs.Joe.