Thursday, October 2, 2008

act2, scene 2

Read Act2, Scene 2
Explain why Walter stayed out of work.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Janice Tran. E1PG,
Why has Walter stay home for work for three days?
Wednesday he borrowed Willy Harris' car and just drove. He drove past South Chicago and looked at steel mills all day long. He stared at chimneys for hours, then when to the Green Hat. Thursday he borrowed the car again and drove the opposite way further to Wisconsin and again back to the Green Hat. Friday, he had no car so instead he walked all over the Southside. He sat for a while at 39th and South Parkway and watched people passing him by. He listens to people play at the Green Hat. One guy about 5 feet tall plays the sax, another playing the piano. It's so relaxing for Walter, making it worthwhile, as he just sits there and enjoys the music.

Anonymous said...

Joan Li. E1PG.
Why has Walter stay home for work for three days?
Walter didn't want to go to work because he thinks his job is stupid. On Wednesday, he borrowed Willy Harris' car and drove past South Chicago where he looked at the steel mills and chimneys for hours, then he drove back and went to the Green Hat. On Thursday, he borrowed the car again and drove the other way to Wisconsin, then went to the Green Hat when he drove back again. On Friday, he had no car so he just walked all over Southside and he sat down on the curb at Thirty-ninth and South Parkway, watching people walk by. Then he went to the Green Hat again to heat people play music which he enjoys.

Arlind said...

Explain why Walter stayed out of work.

Walter stayed out of work becasue he thinks his job is a slave job. And he feels that he is not the man of the house anymore. So he borrows Willy Harris' car for both wednesday and thursday to drive around the country and stare at chimmneys for hours. And at night he would go to a bar called the Grean Hat and drink all night. And also listening to the jazz music playing at the bar.

Irza said...

Why has Walter stayed home from work for three days?

Walter didn't go to work because he doesnt like his job. On Wednesday he borrowed Willy Harris's car and drove past South Chicago and looked at the steel mills and chimneys for hours. After that, he went to the Green Hat. On Thursday, he borrowed the car again and drove towards Wisconsin and then to the Green Hat. On Friday, Walter had no car so he walked all over the Southside. He sat down and watched people passing by. Then, he went to the Green Hat and listened to the music.

arielzhang. said...

Ariel Zhang
Why has Walter stay home from work for three days?

Walter didn't go to work for three days. Those three days, he spent it by himself thinking and relaxing just doing things that made him feel relieved and free. He borrowed his friend's car and drove to South Chicago and then Wisconsin. During that time, he noticed all the little things such as the chimneys and the steel mills. He listened to people play the Green Hat. Those three days, he spent his time just relaxing and not think about the other things. He did something more relaxing then go to work and do something he never wanted to do.

Helen Huang (; said...
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Helen Huang (; said...

Helen Huang
Why has Walter not been going to work?
He feels depressed and feels like a slave. He doesn't want to go to work because he feels like there's no use in doing so, that there is no future for him worth looking forward to. Walter has been borrowing Willy Harris's car and he's been driving places, just driving there and coming right back. He has also been going to the Green Hat and the thing he likes about the Green Hat is that there's a cat there that plays the saxophone.

Nargiza said...

Why has Walter stay home for work for three days?
Walter stays home from work for three days because he feels like a slave at work. So, he borrowed Willy Harris' car and was traveling back and forth to places like South Chicago, and Green Hat.

Yo its Darwin! said...

Why does Walter say home for work for three days? Well, Walter borrowed Willy Harris' car and just drove around on wednesday. He went past South Chicago and looked at steel mills for awhile. Then he stared at the chimneys for a long time, and then made his way to the Green Hat. Thursday he borrowed the car from Willy Harris' again and drove the other way going in the way of Wisconsin and then he went back to Green Hat. On Friday, he didn't have a car so he roamed around Southside. He stayed at 39th street for awhile and observed the people who passed by him. Then he went to the Green Hat. He seems to like the Green Hat because the music calms him down. There is a guy about 5ft. tall who plays the sax, and another guy just playing the piano. He didn't go to work for three days because he has been very emotional because his mother wasn't letting him reach his dreams. He didn't want to go to work anymore because he felt there was no point anymore.

Darwin Romulus